Endowment Funds

Teachers Financial Award Endowment

In 2004 the Teachers Financial Award Endowment was created to provide a monetary award to a deserving teacher that has gone above and beyond during the school year. Nominations are received from parents and peers. The chosen recipient receives a financial gift at graduation from the interest earned on this endowment.
To Donate click here: Bethany Christian School Pay Pal

Tuition Assistance Endowment

In 2004 the Tuition Assistance Endowment was created and is utilized exclusively for the purpose of tuition assistance. Last year alone we were able to contribute 12,000 from this fund to our financial assistance program. From 2000-present 181 students have received financial
aid. The total amount of aid given throughout those years is $299,000 received from our endowment fund and EITC monies. The need for financial aid continues to grow so please consider blessing a child with the gift of a God centered education by donating to our tuition
assistance endowment. If we grow the endowment, we grow our ability to give more financial aid to families that desire a Christ centered biblical education for their children.

To Donate click here: Bethany Christian School Pay