04 December 2018
We are anticipating our Savior’s birth during this season of preparation. It is important for us to show our students how to carve time out of this busy season to care for others. It is in this selfless care that we find the true meaning of Christmas. This Christmas season we are: collecting toys for the Eli Matthews Foundation to distribute children at to A.I. DuPont Children’s Hospital, presenting a Live Nativity for the community, sharing our musical talents at Country Christmas and a band concert, and making the ornaments to decorate a tree in the triangle in Downtown Oxford.
We want to be an active part of the Oxford community. To that end, we have created a survey to gather feedback on BCS from current and former families on their satisfaction with our school. We are also gathering information from families who have never been connected to BCS. We are excited to see the results and to see what we can do to spread the word about our amazing school. The survey is open to the whole community; please participate if you are able. We will be posting it on our website as well as on Facebook.
We are touching lives everyday at BCS. Children are drawing closer to Christ and are developing a deep relationship with the Father. We are blessed to work at BCS and minister to our families. We pray that each of you experiences the joy and wonder of Christmas!
From 10/24 through 11/13 we collected Thanksgiving food that was donated to Neighborhood Services in Oxford. The BCS Girls won with the most food donated. Our 8th graders delivered the food to NSC on Friday, November 16th. It was a wonderful way to help those in need in our community have a brighter holiday!
Please join us on Thursday, November 29th in the Art Room to make ornaments for the tree in the triangle in town. We have decorated this tree for the past 3 years. We will light and decorate the tree on December 7th as part of the First Friday Country Christmas celebration in Oxford.
On Thursday, December 6th, the BCS Middle School will be performing at Live Nativity at the church. The evening will begin at 6:30 with an outside live nativity (weather permitting) and then at 7:00 we will move inside for the program of scripture reading, singing, and acting. The evening will end in the church basement with goodies, cider, and hot chocolate. Please come, invite your friends and family to get into the CHRISTmas spirit.
BCS and Sacred Heart have a combined band for 4th-8th graders. They will be performing at BCS on Wednesday, December 12th during chapel (beginning at 8:35am) and at Sacred Heart on Friday, December 14th at 7:00pm. Please come out and support our students! Mrs. Allport, their director, does amazing things with the band! The band meets at Sacred Heart for about 30 minutes each week.
If you are a Giant/Martins shopper, please link your Bonus Card to BCS through A+ School rewards. A portion of your purchases can be converted to CASH for BCS!! We also still have Scrip, a fundraising program where you can purchase gift cards for where you normally shop, and BCS gets a percentage from the sale of the gift cards. We collect Box Tops! Please clip them and bring them to church. We will get them to the school. Each box top is worth $0.10! If you are an Amazon shopper, please use smile.Amazon.com instead (it is the same website with the same products) and designate Bethany Christian School, Inc. as your nonprofit. We get 0.5% of your Amazon purchases returned to us in the form of cash. Please contact Pam Leathers for more information.
Upcoming school and/or local Events:
11/29 ServeDay Thursday 4:00pm—making ornaments for decorating the tree in the triangle by Oxford Pres. in town
12/6 Live Nativity at BPC 6:30pm (outside portion weather permitting), inside portion begins at 7:00pm
12/7 Tree decorating by Oxford Pres. 4:00pm, Oxford Country Christmas, Select BCS Middle School Students perform 6:00pm
12/14 BCS-Sacred Heart combined band concert at Sacred Heart at 7:00pm
12/15 BCS students deliver toys to A.I. DuPont Children’s Hospital 9:30am
12/14 Progress Reports issued for grades 3-8
12/21 12:30 dismissal
12/24-1/1 School closed for Christmas Holiday
It is never too early or too late to enroll your student into BCS. Please call Kelly Cudicio at (610) 998-0877 or email her at kcudiciobcs@gmail.com. Remember, we are educating minds and transforming hearts!
Please thank God for all of His blessings and continue to pray that His will be done.
Stacey and Daisey, Administrative Team
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