
Shepherding and Steering your Precious Little One

Our preschool and PreK program utilizes age appropriate curricular materials that provide our young students opportunities to begin to develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills.

Our classroom activities are designed to nurture early childhood development through the use of learning centers, individual and group activities, and time to learn through exploratory and creative play.

The day begins in their classrooms with greeting activities and circle time. Next comes direct instruction, a snack, and time on the playground. Each class has a host of hands-on learning stations,  like painting, puppet show, water table, and dress up. Stations change with the season and content changes with the them.

Our preschool and Pre-K students also participate in music and art lessons on a weekly basis.

We offer a variety of options to fit your child’s and family’s needs, from full-day five days per week, to full-day three days per week.

Click the Admissions tab to apply for Preschool/Pre-K.